Do You Realize the Power of Your Story?

When I designed my website I thought long and hard about how I can bless you, my readers. I kept coming back to the phrase, “You Matter. Your Story Matters.” It may be only a few words, but it speaks volumes to me and the reason why I write. You are the reason I write.

I love books. I’ve been an avid reader since I was a kid. Books tell stories and more importantly, the author crafting the words shares part of themselves through the story. Regardless if the genre is romance, or steampunk, or biographical, the story is what holds our attention. The story is what captivates and motivates us to turn the page.

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Your life story is still being written. Maybe things haven’t gone exactly the way you planned. Maybe you’ve got writer’s block and you’re not sure what direction you should take in life. Or you feel stuck in a “Choose your own ending” type book and you don’t want to make the wrong decision and get started down a path you can’t get away from.

But here’s the deal, your life is your story and the world needs to hear it. Even if you’re feeling like a minor character in your own world, maybe you’re on the cusp of a great adventure that will catapult you into being the hero. Regardless of your stage in life, you matter and your story matters. Share your story and be amazed at the power of your life.