
Trials and the Mark of a Leader- Emily Klotz

I met Emily and her husband, Dan, at a church conference several years ago. I marveled as I watched  Emily offering encouraging words to those around her, blessing people with her kindness, and speaking wisdom from her deep well of knowledge. I’ll never forget the time she and I met for coffee and she received a text with an urgent request for prayer. She excused herself to spend a few moments in concentrated prayer for that friend. That’s just Emily. She is as authentic and real as they come. So, buckle up and get ready to receive a good word from her.

Before Emily and her husband were senior pastors, they had many years of being under authority so they would know how to handle authority with character and humility. During those many years, there was an incident that was very hurtful. Emily had friends praying over her, but they didn’t know the details of the situation. One of her friends shared the story of the Roman Centurion (read Acts 10) who approached Jesus with a request to heal his servant. When Jesus said he would go, the Roman Centurion said he need not come all the way, just say the word and he knew his servant would be healed.

This story broke Emily because she knew she needed to yield to the authority, whether she agreed with them or not. Emily felt from the Lord that this season of being under authority would prepare her for a season of greater authority and influence. You’re planting seeds for the future with your present sufferings.

Another time Emily remembers a difficult time when unfounded lies were spread about her. God reminded her about the scripture of rejoicing when people speak evil of you (Matthew 5:11). If you’re stuck in this situation, Emily would encourage you to not worry about defending yourself when people are coming against you with baseless accusations. God knows the truth. The lies about you will blow away over time like chaff in the wind. The truth of your character will stand firm. Who you are will stand the test of time. 

Through difficulty, Emily believes we can learn so much about who God truly is. Before enduring things, in your head, you can believe that he is your provider, healer, father, but until you experience Him in those areas you truly come to know him as your great healer of the brokenhearted or the loving father who will never leave us orphaned. When you experience him so close to your heart you experience intimacy with God. You get to see God and experience God in ways that you’ve never seen before. These are testimonies that you can share confidently with others because you’re speaking from experience. Emily’s husband says when you’re in a desperate position and squeezed from every side it will squeeze out a prayer that you’ve never prayed before. That prayer you’ve never prayed before means you get an answer you’ve never gotten before. 

At the age of 19, Emily survived a brutal abduction and rape (watch her incredible testimony HERE). Since that time, she believes that if the Lord could get her through that, he can get her through anything. This firm foundation has held Emily’s footing through leadership difficulties in believing that God is her defender. God is the judge. People are not the judge. In learning who God is; defender, deliverer, close to the brokenhearted, the fear of man and the fear of judgment is driven out. We can be confident in the love of God and confident as a leader. God has always been there for us and loves us for who we are. We don’t need to worry about what other people think, whether they love us or not.

Even when we don’t go through things well and we’re angry at God and we’re crying out to Him at a completely gut level, God will still be there. The answers may not be there, or as close as they need to be for us, but God will be close. He will draw us in, be patient with us as his daughters. This is part of relationship. You can be real with God and still be okay.

Trusting God through trials develops new levels of trust and God is very patient. The Lord is like water flowing over rocks in a river bed. Sometimes we wish we were farther along in life, but God is patient and persistent. He’s constantly flowing over us, washing over us, cleaning us off, softening our rough edges, and patient with the process. He’s not going to give up on us. He will keep bringing us forward. Even when we’re not patient with ourselves, we can trust him and be willing to grow in our leadership. Even though this hurts like crazy, we can learn to trust the Lord.

Going through tough times is the mark of a leader. If you’re currently going through a trial you can count on knowing God more intimately on the other side.. And you’re going to learn who you really are so you can fulfill your purpose. This is not easy, but Emily would want you to know that you are a strong, powerful, and capable leader. Every single woman has a value that is special to them alone. You are an amazing individual and have gifts unique to you. See yourself as the Lord made you, to uncover who you truly are and see how necessary, needed, and valuable you are in the body of Christ. 

Want to hear more from Emily? Find her on Instagram or Twitter.