Read This Before You Post on Social Media #Blessed...

With the turning color of fall leaves comes a reposturing of the heart toward thanksgiving and gratitude. Cute decorations adorn homes with words like “Blessed” and “Grateful” and splattered on all forms of social media are tags of #blessed.

I recently studied out the word “blessed.” It’s generally understood that to be #blessed means that everything in the world is going splendidly. The kids look amazing in their perfectly coordinated fall outfits, the job is paying well, marriage is effortless, and life is full and abundant. Hashtag blessed.

But as I studied out the word, “blessed” is not something that lands in your life like gentle falling leaves. It is something fought for, declared, and eagerly desired. Hashtag blessed is a battle.

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Here’s an example; during my season of suffering I clung to and memorized 1 Peter 1: 12-16. I won’t recite the whole thing here, but listen to the first few verses:

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you…

Does this mess with your theology a bit? This isn’t the #blessed represented on social media! Can you imagine a post that represents this idea? It would sound something like this:

“I was just rejected and am suffering greatly. #blessed”

Blessing does not come by without perseverance! It is a battleground that a strong woman fights for and proves her worth by not giving up. Your spiritual elbows may be marred and bloody as you’re crawling over the shattered pieces of your life. But you keep going anyway.

You are a strong woman. Fight for what’s rightfully yours. Fight for your blessing. It’s not going to land in your lap and it may not look like you originally thought. But it’s yours for the taking.

You are hashtag blessed.