Word Count and Christmas Cookies

50,000 Words or Bust

In my last email I shared how I was mentally preparing for the global National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I’ve accomplished this challenge in the past, but it’s no easy task. NaNoWriMo encourages writers to draft nearly 2,000 words each day means no extra-curricular activities, no TV, no distractions. Period. I have been working on my 19-chapter outline for almost a year now so I was ready; fingers poised at the keyboard to fire away my best words…

…but best laid plans often go awry. In a delightful turn of events, some of my kids visited me. My kids are grown and flown and living their own lives in other states. It is a delight to my heart that they are thriving on their own. Of course I want them to move closer to me, but in the meantime I will gladly cheer them on as they live their own adventures. My oldest son and our new daughter-in-law came to visit for a week, and then my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter came the week of Thanksgiving. There’s nothing sweeter than waking up to the sweet toddler giggles saying “Hi, Honey!”

By the end of November I didn’t cross the finish line with 50,000 words, but I logged just over 20,000 words which is far more than I had in October! I don’t have much to share with my newly crafted story other than I’m still plugging away at adding to my word count. I’ll share my progress in the next email, but here’s a small taste; the first line:

Bryn never signed up to be a pastor’s wife, but here she was at nineteen once again stepping into the role of her dead mother’s shoes.

When the holidays come around I love to bake our family’s favorite treats: Lemon Loaf, Pumpkin Pie Roll, and Rosemary Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies. I found the cookie recipe a few years ago and it’s very Christmasey to me. The orange and rosemary combo is fragrant and is just different enough spin off a regular chocolate chip cookie. Plus I have an abundance of rosemary in my herb bucket so I’m always looking for ways to use it up. If you’re local, and want to try the recipe below, please stop by for a sprig or two!

Rosemary Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies

1c. Butter

¾ c. Brown sugar

¾ c. White sugar

2 eggs

3 1/2c. flour

1 ½ tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

2 sprigs Rosemary - chopped

Grated rind from 1 orange

1 ½ c. chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350. In medium size bowl, beat butter and sugars together. Add in eggs and beat well. Sift in flour, soda, and salt. Stir until mixed together. Fold in chocolate chips, orange rind, and rosemary. Drop spoonfuls of dough onto cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 9-10 minutes. 


Sending you my warmest wishes for the holiday season. I’m ever so grateful for your continued love and support. Merry Christmas, dear ones.