
Is the Voice of the Accuser Telling You What You’re Not?

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “conviction of sin and righteousness?”

Let me ask the same question another way. When those around you are telling you what you’re NOT (in their efforts to convict you of sin), where is their source of information? You’re not qualified enough. You’re not pretty enough. You’re not worthy. You’re not thin enough. You’re not smart enough. You’re not kind enough. You’re not enough for this relationship. You’re not (fill in the blank) enough.

In my journey as a believer, I always believed conviction of sin meant that we are constantly feeling guilty, always repenting and feeling shame for our sins. I think this came from the denomination I was raised in as shame was a large part of their training. However, I heard a message years ago that completely changed my perspective. Rather than focusing on shame and sin, the message was centered around the conviction of righteousness. All my shame-based training had no idea what this meant.

I’d like to propose the voice of not-enoughness is not coming from a source of truth, but the source of lies, from the father of all lies. But we struggle and give room for these words. When we hear these accusations they are like a deep dagger in our heart of self-worth.

Somehow, these phrases of not-enoughness have a tendency to be spiritualized and coupled with a conviction of sin. If we’re not enough in these areas then we must be sinning somewhere, right?

Maybe. Maybe not.

I think there is tremendous value in being attuned to the Holy Spirit when we are convicted of sin. This is truly a valuable resource to have as a believer. However, I don’t think it’s the same voice that tells us we’re not enough. I think the two often get confused. What if we stopped listening to the voice of not-enoughness and started opening our ears to the conviction of righteousness. This VOICE tells us what we are through the lens of Jesus Christ.

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You are worth the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Rise to the place as a daughter of the King of Kings. Don’t let the word-slime affect your position of righteousness. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. You were made for more than this. You are the Lord’s delight and He sings over you. RISE UP my strong daughter and be who I say you are. Don’t listen to the voices that tell you what you’re not. Slough it off. Scrape off the filth of unworthiness. Embrace your beauty through the wisdom of God. He is trustworthy, full of grace and mercy. He didn’t ask you to be perfect. He asked you to be His.

THIS is the conviction of righteousness. What will you do to hear this voice more clearly?