Every woman wants to live with depth and purpose.

Tannis writes to help others find their own voice in their world,

so they can live with courage and strength.


You won’t ever know your power until you wield it. You won’t know the depth of your voice until you speak

Tannis Oliveri

About Tannis

Tannis writes her story through the safety of narrative. Her hope is to inspire fierce courage in others as they navigate finding their own voice in life, faith, and identity.

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Tannis gave me tools that I needed for the next season of my life; to have confidence that I am a beloved daughter of God. What a blessing she was to me in helping me walk in my true identity
— Megan
Tannis has experienced personal tragedy and has developed wisdom to help others navigate theirs. Tannis is the real deal!
— Lauren
Tannis gives insightful, wise counsel, yet asks hard questions about your emotional well-being. Her genuine empathy is emphasized in her tone and her willingness to be available.
— Naomi